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Unlock a Life Free of Anxiety, Fears, and Phobias – with a Smile!

I specialize in helping you break free from the grip of anxiety, fears, and phobias, guiding you toward a calmer, more confident you. Through caring, compassionate hypnotherapy, we’ll gently unravel the fears holding you back, helping you regain control and rediscover joy in everyday moments. Imagine feeling relaxed where you once felt stressed, confident where you used to hesitate, and embracing life’s adventures with newfound freedom.

The best part? When anxiety fades, so do its side effects: better sleep, clearer focus, and a brighter outlook. Life really does get easier – and lighter – when fear no longer sets the rules.

Let’s work together to turn those “what ifs” into “why nots” – with a little laughter and a lot of support along the way.

Use the Calendly link to choose a date and time that suits you, and I look forward to finding out what you want and also helping you get it.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a collaborative process that utilises the imagination to help a person take control of their own mind (rather than the hypnotist having control), and to change any automatic behaviours that may be unhelpful.

We all experience trance moments throughout the day without realising.

Have you ever driven a car and, on reaching your destination, not remembered the journey because you were thinking about something else?

When you watch a movie, do you laugh along or get excited when the characters do, or even cry because you’ve become emotionally involved at a sad moment in the film?

When our focus of attention is narrowed it becomes easier to communicate with our emotions and this is where amazing changes can take place.


Fears and Phobias
Changing irrational responses to overcome the paralysing effects of fear.
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Anxiety and Low Mood
Humans have the remarkable ability to envision possibilities in intricate detail, a gift that distinguishes us from animals. Unfortunately, this same power can often cause anxiety to arise within us as well.
Chang the way you feel
Habitual behaviours can be hard to break, as we often perform them without actively thinking about it. However, with a plan and dedication, you can learn how to gain control over these patterns in your life.
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Sports Performance
Get in the zone and stay there with hypnosis.
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Weight Management
This is not about dieting, although you will become the weight you want to be, it's more about changing your relationship with food and being able to value yourself, which will result in lifestyle changes that match the size you want to be.
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Janet Brunskill
Owner @ Park Row Hair and Beauty
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Just had my Zoom Hypnosis session as I was waiting for a Covid test to come back and really thought I would have to miss out on a visit, but that turned out great! Richard was professional from the start explaining everything as we went along . I was a little sceptical and thought I may laugh out of being a little nervous. I was so wrong! Richard put me at ease and any inhibitions I may have had went, as I was totally absorbed in what Richard was saying to me. All tension left my body and I felt totally relaxed. The journey he took me on was emotional and gave me a feeling of safe relief as the stress in my body disappeared. He explained this as a pressure cooker valve releasing stress so I could manage life a little easier. This is just what it felt like and I can’t wait for my next session!! Can’t recommend him enough, straight speaking, calm and his knowledge is really helpful in lots of aspects of life and how he relates this to physical feelings is totally understandable.
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I have had a few sessions of Hypnotherapy and after each session I have felt happy and relaxed. Not only that it has helped me to deal with things differently! I would definitely recommend!!

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