Understanding the Feelings of a Panic Attack and Coping Strategies to Help Prevent Them

 A panic attack is often described as an overwhelming wave of fear or anxiety, sometimes accompanied by physical symptoms like rapid heart rate, chest pain, or difficulty breathing. While it can be difficult to understand what someone dealing with a panic attack is going through, it’s important to recognize the internal feelings associated with them in order to help those around us who may be struggling. In this blog post, we will explore how panic attacks are related to anxiety and discuss some coping strategies and hypnosis techniques that can help prevent them.

What Are the Internal Feelings of a Panic Attack?

People experiencing panic attacks often report feeling fear, dread, terror, and/or apprehension. They may experience physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, sweating, trembling or shaking, hot flashes or chills, numbness/tingling sensations throughout their body and/or dizziness. It is not uncommon for people to also have thoughts of impending doom and feel as if they are losing control or going crazy. These feelings can be overwhelming and frightening and can lead to avoidance behaviours in order to avoid further distress.

How Is It Related To Anxiety?

Panic attacks are closely related to anxiety disorders such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) or Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). These conditions involve excessive worry about future events that may not necessarily happen; these worries tend to persist despite evidence that they will not occur. People with anxiety disorders often experience anticipatory anxiety due to their persistent worrying which can manifest itself in the form of a panic attack when exposed to certain triggers. However, it is important to note that not everyone who experiences panic attacks has an underlying anxiety disorder; some people experience them in response to particularly stressful life events.

What Can We Do To Prevent Them Using Hypnosis And Coping Strategies?

There are several strategies that one can use in order to help cope with a panic attack or prevent one from occurring. One strategy is the use of relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises which can help reduce the physical symptoms associated with a panic attack. Additionally, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been found effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety disorders which may lead to fewer instances of panic attacks over time. Finally, hypnosis has also been used successfully with people suffering from panic attacks by helping them relax deeply while allowing access into their subconscious mind where they can make changes at a much deeper level than just surface level relaxation techniques alone.


Panic attacks can be extremely frightening experiences for those who suffer from them but understanding how they are related to anxiety and knowing what strategies may help prevent them can go a long way towards making those who suffer from them feel more empowered in managing their condition better. Through relaxation methods like deep breathing exercises combined with cognitive-behavioural therapy and hypnosis techniques tailored specifically for each individual’s needs, those affected by panic attacks may find relief from the overwhelming feelings associated with these episodes more easily than before!