The Financial Impact of Anxiety

Loss of Income

Anxiety can lead to job loss, reduced work hours, and missed opportunities for promotion or income growth. According to a survey, nearly 60% of people with anxiety reported it had a negative impact on their ability to work. This can lead to a decrease in income that can be financially crippling. The good news is that with the right support from employers and mental health professionals, people with anxiety can manage their symptoms and maintain their careers.

Increased Expenses

 People with anxiety often turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as retail therapy, over-eating or substance abuse to manage their symptoms. These coping mechanisms often lead to a significant increase in expenses, putting a strain on already tight financial budgets. There are healthier ways to manage anxiety symptoms, such as mindfulness, exercise, and therapy, which can lead to a reduction in expenses, ultimately saving you money.

Difficulty Managing Debt

Anxiety can make it challenging to manage debts and financial accounts, leading to missed payments, penalties, and increased interest rates. This can lead to a cycle of mounting debt that becomes increasingly difficult to manage. The best way to manage debt is to develop healthy coping mechanisms for anxiety, including creating a budget and seeking professional support.

Difficulty Planning for the Future

People with anxiety often struggle to plan for the future, such as investing in a home or saving for retirement. Fears about the unknown and uncertainty can lead to risky financial decisions or avoiding financial planning entirely. With the right support and healthy coping mechanisms, those with anxiety can overcome fear and uncertainty, allowing for a brighter financial future.

Steps to Take to Change

The first step to reducing the financial impact of anxiety is to seek professional help. A mental health professional can help diagnose anxiety and create a treatment plan. Hypnosis can help to establish healthy coping mechanisms that work for you. Additionally, you can develop routines that help, like exercise, meditation, or deep breathing. And finally, developing a budget and working with a financial advisor can help establish a solid financial foundation that will provide both security and peace of mind.


Anxiety is a significant concern for many people in the UK, and it’s important to recognise the financial impact it can have. From loss of income to increased expenses, anxiety can take its toll on your finances. However, seeking professional help, developing healthy coping mechanisms and establishing a solid financial foundation can help manage anxiety symptoms and reduce financial stress. With the right support and tools, you can conquer anxiety and enjoy a brighter, more secure financial future.

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